Steve's Blog

You live in a world of deception. In their deception they refuse to know me. This is the Lord’s declaration. Jeremiah 9:6 (CSB)

God’s words through Jeremiah ring true today. Ours is a world of deception. If we are reading a mystery novel or watching a magic act, deception can be entertaining. But it can also be deadly. Previously, we read:

“Beware of your neighbor! Don’t even trust your brother! For brother takes advantage of brother, and friend slanders friend. They all fool and defraud ea...

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But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without pretense. James 3:17 (CSB)

Is there any doubt that this world needs more wisdom? In every sphere and arena of life, we can find devastation, and heartbreak because leaders and people have failed to acquire or utilize wisdom.

We must also remember that there is true wisdom, and false wisdom. What some think is wisdom, is really foolishness: For the wisdom of this...

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