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Working Together With Him... 2 Corinthians 6:2

Steve Ekeroth has been in the ministry for 45 years, serving churches in various pastoral, leadership, and teaching capacities in Southern California. Steve was ordained as a minister of the gospel in 1984. Steve studied computer engineering at the University of California, San Diego. During an extended time of bi-vocational ministry, he was recognized for his leadership and management abilities while employed in several industries as an Information Services Manager, Software Development Manager, and Principal Software Engineer. Steve is President and Executive Director of E4 Ministry Network, an association of independent Pentecostal and Charismatic ministers and churches who have come together under a common banner to fulfill the Great Commission. He is been a part of E4 Ministry Network since its inception in 1986 and was selected to serve on the Board of Elders in 1991. He is a pastor, teacher, and conference speaker who has a passion and calling to encourage and equip the body of Christ, especially the next generation of Christian leaders. Steve and his wife Denise were married in 1984 and reside in Escondido, California. They have four children, Jordan, Lydia, Caleb, and Rachael. In his spare time, Steve enjoys reading and cycling.

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