Steve's Blog

An Ounce of Prevention

12th Sep 2020

“They will be in despair, and all the workers will be sick at heart.” (Isaiah 19:10, NLT)

It was Benjamin Franklin who said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Few people would dispute the wisdom of this advice, recognizing that if you can prevent a problem with a little effort in the beginning rather than spend a great deal of effort attempting to correct the problem later.

The question that we are confronting now is not about the efficacy of an ounce of prevention, but abo...

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A Time of Uncertainty

15th Jul 2020

Outwardly, more than any time in recent memory, we are living in a period of uncertainty. Questions being asked include: “How many people will become ill or even die as the result of COVID-19?” Or “Will I lose my job and what will be the economic impact of the shutdown?” You undoubtedly have questions of your own.

Now think back with me 2000 years to the first Holy Week. We are followers of Jesus, but he has just been arrested and handed over to the authorities. Within a few short hours, Jesus...

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A Door of Opportunity?

15th Jul 2020

For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. 1 Corinthians 16:9 (NKJV)

For some time now, I have been periodically coming back to this verse. I keep asking myself this question: “Does Paul see this as an opportunity in spite of many adversaries or does he believe that because there are so many adversaries, it is worth pursuing?”

It should go without stating, but I’ll state it nonetheless, wherever there is a great opportunity or an open door, we can be ce...

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Then the LORD God said, “It’s not good that the human is alone...” Genesis 2:18 (CEB)

Six times “God saw that it was good” is declared during creation culminating in the last verse of Genesis 1, “God saw everything he had made: it was supremely good.” But at last, God looks at Adam and he laments, “It’s not good that the human is alone.” Certainly, there are times when we desire to be left alone and even need to be alone, but under normal circumstances we need to be around other people...

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I Know Who Holds My Hand

27th Mar 2020

In these days of uncertainty, when people all around us are filled with fear, anxiety and worry, we as followers of Christ have an opportunity to demonstrate that “He who is within us, is greater than he that is in the world.”

It was Rudyard Kipling who said, “If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too!”

We should view the present situation as an opportunit...

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Hope Over Fear

27th Mar 2020

Hope Over Fear

Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it’s God’s order. So live responsibly as a citizen. Romans 13:1 (The Message)

Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near. Hebrews 10:25 (CEB)


There has been nothing in my lifetime that compares to the situation that we are now facing. On one hand, t...

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Keeping Your Balance

27th Mar 2020

It seems as though the word heresy sometimes gets thrown around with such ease and blatant disregard for fairness that it is almost completely lost its meaning. Something is not heresy simply because we disagree with it. Heresies and false teachings are real, but we must be careful about throwing labels around irresponsibly. There are many things that we will not completely understand until we have the opportunity to see the Lord face-to-face and in an ironic twist, there is a high probability t...

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Those of us who know and love the Scriptures are aware that they contain many words of comfort and encouragement. They contain words of hope and reassurance that are appropriate for every circumstance in life that we have or will encounter. Additionally, they provide correction and direction as they point us to God. The Psalmist told us, “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 (NLT) Almost certainly we can recall Paul’s words to Timothy, “All Scri...

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Excel in everything

27th Mar 2020

Complete Followers of Christ

But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving. 2 Corinthians 8:7 (NIV)

In baseball, they refer to a complete well-rounded player as a five tool player. A five tool player hits the baseball for average, for power, has good speed and base running skills, fields his position well, and throws well. In the history of baseball, there ha...

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To Swim or to Stand

27th Mar 2020

It is perceived that as we get older change becomes more problematic. Perhaps it is because we want to hold onto those things that are familiar and comfortable for us. This can be an obstacle to the fulfilling our commission to “go and make disciples among all nations.” Those who oppose us would like nothing better than to distract us from doing the ministry and mission that God has given to us.  We must be able to lead, adapt and change.  We must be able to distinguish between those things th...

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One Thing

27th Mar 2020

Distractions are a part of life. They always have been. We may choose to believe that the complexities and pace of life in modern times are without parallel in history, but even in the simplest and slowest paced age people have faced distractions which endeavor to hinder the achievement of goals and objectives. The capability to focus on a goal and eliminate or ignore distractions is essential to accomplishing large tasks. However, identifying and selecting a worthy goal is a prerequisite to suc...

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He Did Not Blame God

27th Mar 2020

In all of this, Job did not sin by blaming God. Job 1:22 (NLT)

One of the perils that is overlooked by those who emphasize health and prosperity is illustrated in the life of Job. As the book of Job commences, Job is already a wealthy man as far as family and possessions are concerned. He had been blessed and there was a wall of protection surrounding him, but more important than Job’s comfort and convenience is the glory and reputation of God. The trials that Job went through resulted from Go...

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Who Cares?

27th Mar 2020

“Who Cares” or “Who Cares?”

When the phrase “who cares” is used, it may either be a statement of indifference or a question inquiring if anyone is concerned. There are times when a statement of indifference is perfectly acceptable because there are so many things of so little consequence, but when it concerns our attitudes toward people, indifference must never be an option because there are so many people who are wondering if anyone cares about them and their circumstances.

The importance o...

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Good Medicine

27th Mar 2020

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength. Proverbs 17:22 (NLT)

If you want to generate controversy, just begin a discussion about health care. People have strong opinions on affordability, availability and just about every other aspect of the topic. It is not my intention or desire to open this can of worms, but instead to remind us of a natural remedy that is found in the Bible.

Unlike the medicine that we find advertised on television in which they s...

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Waiting on God

27th Mar 2020

“Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.” Psalm 62:5 (NLT)

Very few people that I know, including myself, enjoy waiting. As we mature, we may find ways to mask our impatience, but inside I presume that most of us are just like children waiting to open Christmas presents. Waiting is a part of life and in fact, sometimes we even have to wait for God. I want to examine three aspects of waiting; our motivation for waiting, something I refer to as “actively waiting” and f...

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“Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9b (NIV)

A good author or screenwriter can draw us into their story where good and evil are in conflict in such a way that we have great expectancy and longing to see the villain’s demise. In fact, if the nasty piece of work is spared destruction there is almost a sense of disappointment. Whether this is the result of an innate consciousness of justice or simply a base desire for payb...

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The Paradox of Serving

27th Mar 2020

What does it take to get ahead and be successful in life? Conventional wisdom tells us to be aggressive and grab for what we can because most likely no one is going to hand it to you on a silver platter. Consider James and John, also known as the “Sons of Thunder.” In Mark 10:35-45, James and John request to be seated in places of honor with Jesus when he sits on his glorious throne. How audacious and presumptuous of them. There is every indication that their parents instilled in them the belief...

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Rejoice and Be Glad

27th Mar 2020

But let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God’s presence. Let them be filled with joy. Psalm 68:3 (NLT)

Depending upon the translation the words rejoice and be glad appear in the same verse about 30 times in the Bible. We should be reminded from time to time, especially when we are in trouble or when we see trouble all around us that we are to be people of rejoicing and gladness. Remember who is the source of our rejoicing and gladness. This world cannot provide lasting joy. Through Nehem...

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The Brevity of Life

27th Mar 2020

I don’t know who coined the phrase “The length of our lives is represented by a dash between two dates,” but it is certainly a succinct way of stating what most people sense, especially as they get older, that life passes by quickly.

This week my parents celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary and next week Denise and I will be celebrating our 30th. Recently we have been with people who are celebrating significant birthdays or anniversaries and almost inevitably someone will say, “How did I g...

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Am I Too Big for the Job

27th Mar 2020

Do we ever get to the place where we are too important or big to do certain jobs for the cause of Christ? Are some tasks so menial that they are not deserving of our effort or attention? Many years ago, my grandfather was working with a well-known evangelist. One evening during a meeting my grandfather noticed that there was a need to set up more chairs. As he began setting up additional chairs, he asked another minister to help him, but he received this reply, “That is not my ministry!” This ma...

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A few weeks ago I wrote about the paradox of serving in the kingdom of God and how, even though it is counterintuitive, the way to greatness is actually found in being a servant to others. Even though God plainly tells us that “His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts” there is still an element of surprise when God revealed His plans and purposes to us. We have been conditioned by the world’s methods and protocols, but God does not limit Himself to man’s conventions, in...

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An Open Heart

27th Mar 2020

Oh, dear Corinthian friends! We have spoken honestly with you, and our hearts are open to you. 2 Corinthians 6:11 (NLT)

It can be very difficult at times to maintain a heart that is open, tender and compassionate. There are certainly risks involved when we allow our hearts to be open and loving, but the alternative of closing our hearts to others is ultimately more damaging to ourselves and others.

A heart needs to be trained and exercised so that it can increase in capacity, both physicall...

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Labor of Love

27th Mar 2020

Yesterday, we celebrated Labor Day here in the United States. Without dwelling on the origins of the holiday or the meaning behind it, let us simply say that for many people, it was a day to relax and not labor. In any organization, but specifically in churches, there are both visible and invisible jobs to be done. However, do not assume that just because a job does not have visibility, it is not important. Therefore it is incumbent upon leaders to recognize and honor those who serve in jobs tha...

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I had a conversation this week with a friend of mine who has many years of experience as a worship leader. The essence of the discussion settled on the fact that worship encompasses more than singing. We can sing songs of praise, sincerely and with the right motivation, but still not be a worshiper of God. Someone who sings and proclaims the praises of God can do so without being fundamentally changed, but a worshiper is someone whose life is devoted to the one whom they worship. A worshiper’s l...

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So Moses told the people of Israel what the LORD had said, but they refused to listen anymore. They had become too discouraged by the brutality of their slavery. Exodus 6:9 (NLT)

If we are rebuffed when sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we must be very careful that we do not assign the wrong attitude or motivation upon those who do not receive our message. Without complete understanding, which is very difficult when it comes to other people, we may perceive that rejection o...

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